Letter, Catherine S Tone to Elizabeth Torrence Tone, Jan 17 1899
A letter to Elizabeth Torrence Tone (1898-1985) on her first birthday. The letter is from "grandma" without hinting which one, but based on the text of 📄 Letter, Thomas J Tone to Elizabeth Torrence Tone, Feb 22 1899 I'm guessing this is from Catherine D. Spafford (1836-1916).
My dear little grand-daughter
This is your birth day. I had hoped you might keep your first one at Grandpa's. What a frolic we would have had, well we will have to take it later. How many teeth have you now? And do you walk alone yet?
Would not I like it to step in at 48 [44?] Palo Alto and give you one good "spank" to grow on, and a half dozen kisses. You little precious I can see that sweet little smile that seemed to say good morning when you came down stairs.
How does it seem on your first birth day. Are you not glad you came to brighten a home, and make so many hearts happy. We are all glad to have you here, you have turned yourself so closely around all our hearts. How did we get along without such a bunch of sweetness to brighten our lives. I hope and trust tho little life beun so brightly may be a long and useful one. That you may be a blessing not only in the home, but in the world, and may our dear Heavenly Father guide your little feet on paths of peace and purity and may you early learn to love Him and do His will.
Grandpa sends his best wishes and ever so much love and kisses galore, as well as grandma.
Very lovingly, your grandma
January 17, 1899
- There is a Palo Alto St in Pittsburgh, which is a residential area, but I don't have any other record of Elizabeth's parents living there. As of 2022, house numbers are mostly in the 1200s.